On November 2, 2022, it was announced that Eighteen Ninety Partners, LLC completed a management buy-out of Moors & Cabot, Inc.
Under the terms of the transaction, Eighteen Ninety Partners, LLC (“Eighteen Ninety”) has completed a management buy-out of the non-operating shareholders of Moors & Cabot, Inc. (“Moors & Cabot”). Eighteen Ninety is owned and controlled by current Moors & Cabot Executive Chairman Mark Garrett, CFO Mike Hildreth, and Howard Hauser. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Moors & Cabot, based in Boston, is a broker dealer and registered investment advisor serving individual and institutional clients. Moors & Cabot has over $2 billion in assets under management. Berkshire Global Advisors, an investment bank, advised the Moors & Cabot shareholders and board of directors about the transaction.
To read the press release: please click here.