Larrainvial Will Acquire a Minority Interest in Aubrey Capital


February 14, 2024

On January 16, 2024, Aubrey Capital Management announced that LarrainVial Asset Management will acquire a 25% interest in its firm.

Aubrey Capital Management (“Aubrey”) announced on January 16, 2024 that LarrainVial Asset Management (“LarrainVial”), through its holding company LVCC, will acquire a 25% interest in Aubrey. Under the terms of the transaction, Aubrey will continue to operate as a majority employee-owned business and its main shareholders and founders will remain at the firm. Further terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Aubrey, based in Edinburgh and London, is a registered investment advisor providing strategic investment services. As of January 2024, Aubrey had $522.9 million in assets under management in UK and China.

LarrainVial, based in Santiago, Chile, is a registered investment advisor and asset management firm providing investment services, including investment funds, mutual funds, and portfolios. As of January 2024, LarrainVial had over $7 billion in assets under management.

To read the press release: please click here.

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