IM Deals Blog

IK Investment and ICG to Partner with Formuesforvaltning

Written by itlist | Mar 04, 2021

On February 22, 2021, IK Investment Partners Limited announced that it would partner with Intermediate Capital Group PLC and Formuesforvaltning AS.

Under the terms of the transaction, IK Investment Partners Limited (“IK”) funds and funds managed by Intermediate Capital Group PLC (“ICG”) will partner with Formuesforvaltning AS (“Formues”). The transaction is subject to legal and regulatory approval. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

IK, based in London, is a private equity firm with investments across Europe. IK has raised approximately €13 billion in capital.

ICG (LSE:ICP), based in London, is a global alternative asset manager focusing on corporate assets, capital markets, real assets and secondary investments. ICG has approximately €47.2 billion in assets under management.

Formues, based in Oslo, is an independent wealth management firm that serves private individuals, institutions and organizations in Norway and Sweden. As of December 31, 2020, Formues had NOK 100 billion in assets under management.

To read the press release: please click here.